Friday, May 9, 2008

First Order of Business

Neil Diamond is amazing. This is such a fact that it's not even worth stating. It's like Crocs being trashy or Gautier smelling like dog food. Now, some of you may have been considering buying his new record, Home Before Dark. Do it. It's awesome. Trust me on this one. Sadly, you may be thinking, "I love Neil Diamond's voice and remarkable showmanship, but Home Before Dark is too slow to listen to while doing any of my normal daily activities." That isn't true at all. Let me help you out.
Here are some great situations for listening to Home Before Dark:
+Falling asleep
+Driving home either early in the morning or late at night from somewhere far away after a long night of terrible sex with someone you aren't even sure if you like
+Background music while taking a shit or shaving your legs
+Walking slowly
+Reading the newspaper or other publication that doesn't need any actually concentration
+Getting ready for a date, or dinner with your parents if you're anything like me

See. There are plenty of situations that call for slow, acoustic Neil Diamond.
Love it. I know you can!

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