Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why not them?

The Jonas Brothers are on the cover of the new issue of Rolling Stone.

While reading the article online I noticed a sickening number of comments calling them sellouts, disney-channel-bred-labrats, and teenboppers. People are saying that the Jonas Brothers don't deserve to be on the cover of Rolling Stone or even in Rolling Stone at all.

Let me begin by stating that Rolling Stone is a bullshit magazine to begin with and I have trouble truely caring about who is on the cover at all, but I absolutely must defend the JoBros on this one.

Why can't they be on magazine covers? Yes, they're popstars, but in no way would they be "posers" because they don't appear to be posing as anything at all. From what I have seen in my extensive research of these boys they are everything they claim to be. Most importantly they are good people, and if good people can't be on magazine covers then maybe it's time for me to stop reading magazines.

The Jonas Brothers are currently one of the world's largest pop sensations of the moment. Becoming that is something that they worked hard for. As a mother I can appreciate both the family atmosphere they portray for their fans and the energy they put into it. They are clean, safe, and exciting. They love what they do and they do it well. What more could anyone ask for out of them.

If they aren't good enough to be on the cover then who is? Do they need to be drug addicts who play death metal and have rape convictions? Do they have to only play shows to less than 100 people and shun children altogether? Why? None of this seems to make sense to me.

I guess in the end all I really have to say is that if someone hates the Jonas Brothers that much they need to just steer clear of any media whatsoever until Jonas-Mania is over, and from what I've seen, that may be a long time.

Over and Out.

Of the day I guess...

1. Rosemary's Baby is still not that great of a movie. It's just a little too out there and the acting is terrible.

2. Le Disko by The Shiny Toy Guns is still kind of an awesome song, though it can really only be listen to about once a month tops or you'll get sick of it.

3. I just ate Wendy's for lunch, which I swore I wouldn't do and I feel incredibly ill as a result.

Love and Kisses

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I don't know how many of you 4chan out there in blog-reader's world, but I saw this photo on a jaunt through Google Image Search and absolutely had to add the caption!

Vlogs coming soon.

I know I don't update on here very often, but that's sort of the point of this particular blog. It's more of a whatever I feel like type of thing, which is why I'm sort of trying to keep it low key. But, heh, whatever.
Soooo. The good news is that very soon I will be starting a new series of Video posts that I'll hopefully be uploading here as well as on my youtube channel.
You can check me out here in about a month. But don't go yet! There aren't any videos up!
Ok, love ya guys.

Monday, July 14, 2008

There is nothing cute about a Libertarian.

Now I know I'm going to catch alotta flack about this post, but I cannot stand Libertarians. No kidding.
I just read a tiny little snippet from a Libertarian blog regarding information that they believe to have uncovered about John McCain being an anti-Cuban assassin.
Holy Shit. Oh My God.
Srsly? I so wish that Americans could be the educated, mature individuals that we all seem to be so convinced that we are.
I want to live in a 1950's blind utopian society where the personal lives of our nation's leaders aren't scruttenized to the point of appearing to be written and rewritten by the Weekly World News[R.I.P.]
Over and Out.